The Joining Up Joining In (JUJI) group recently held a workshop with staff from the Trussell Trust on looking at the financial issues facing young people today. The Trussell Trust support a nationwide network of over 1,300 food banks and provide emergency food and support to people locked in poverty, and campaign for change to end the need for food banks in the UK.
They were asked "Would you use a foodbank?"
Most said yes they would if they had no money, no food, and high anxiety.
So what?
Lots of people are facing financial hardship right now. Care experienced young people can face even higher challenges in getting the essentials of life covered.
So "What would stop you or other people using a food bank? "
Accessing a food bank can be hard if you have no food and no money, plus there is stigma to doing it, based on shame, pride, embarrassment or feeling that you'll be judged.
Young person
Can put on a facade, cos people might think I'm not a very nice person or worthy of help.
Young person
Now what?
The JUJI young people made suggestions about what would help them access a food bank, such as them being more visible and accessible; renaming them, do more workshops like this; do a TV advert on low income and using food banks. JUJI look forward to seeing the report and further actions proposed by the Trussell Trust later on in the year.
To get involved in our Joining Up Joining In Project at Leicestershire Cares please contact
Aidan -
Krishna –