Over the last few years, we have had a fair amount of success, but we recognise that the context in which we operate is forever changing. Which is why over the next couple of months we will be seeking to develop a strategic outlook that will guide our work over the next three to five years.
We use the term outlook rather than plan, as we want this to be an empowering and enabling process, where the finished product is like a compass that will help to guide us through the opportunities and challenges, we might face over the coming years rather than a straitjacket that will restrain us
Kieran Breen CEO Leicestershire Cares
This will be a participatory and inclusive process, where staff work with a wide range of our stakeholders, which does of course include young people and our goal is, that at the end of it we have a clear joined up vision, of our purpose, strengths, areas we need to improve, groups we wish to support , issues we want to tackle and how we will fund this
This is an exciting time; we have built up a solid bedrock of good practice and we now want to see how we can further improve so we are better able to support young people
Charlotte Robey Turner Head of Children and Young People
We have built strong relationships with a diverse range of community and business groups, and I am looking forward to working with them to identify how we can work together to ensure nobody is left behind
Neetu Squire Head of Community Development
Our Power to Change approach which was developed during lockdown puts a strong emphasis on creative and agile partnerships across the community, public and business sector and giving a voice to those who are excluded. We will be seeking to build on this approach, but we also know “change” is the only constant, so we are open to new ideas and learning.
The only thing that will remain constant is our 110% commitment to ensuring we work as hard and creatively as we can to turn despair into hope and give young people and communities in danger of being left behind the opportunity to live happy, fulfilling and rewarding lives
Kieran Breen CEO Leicestershire Cares