The UP Project is a holistic project that support young offenders aged 16-25. During the second national lockdown young people have experienced less opportunities within EET, have become homeless and experienced difficulties with their mental health. The UP Project have successfully housed three young people during the second lockdown, continued to offer employability and training opportunities and have signed several young people up to take their CSCS test in December. Currently, all participants have an up to date CV on the project and have received employability support to give them a better chance at the interview stage with potential employers. Further to this, all participants have participated on the disclosure workshop and we have received some fantastic feedback and brilliantly written disclosure letters, please see below (names and details have been blurred for data protection purposes). In addition to the above, whilst the UP Project are unable to offer intense support with mental health we continue to support young people who require this through Multi Agency Work with several mental health charities to ensure participants needs are being met.
The UP Project continues to support young ex-offenders during the second national lockdown
26 Nov 2020