Our approach to supporting care experienced young people uses both a systems theory (Bronfenbrenner, 1979) and relational approach to practice alongside our Power To Change Model harnessing the support systems and positive relationships the young people already have in place with an aim to create safety and stability for young people accessing the project.
Since the start of Quarter 2 we have received a total of 15 new referrals from a variety of services including Leaving Care Teams, Leicester college, Park lodge.
- 11 of these young people have engaged in the project in some capacity, either receiving support on a one-to-one basis or attending social groups, development sessions or work tours.
- A further 3 care experienced young people who are not referred to our service but attending Leicester College took part in a work tour with Sytner Bentley and a Personal Branding session with Stepnell.
- Over the Quarter 6 young people have entered employment, education, or training.
- 1 young person has completed the application process for personal independence payments relating to their disability.
- Another young person continues to volunteer on our Number Partners project.
- In total over Quarter 1 & 2 19 young people have gained or retained education, training, or employment opportunities.
Thank you for all your help
The team are kind, friendly helpful and supportive
Additionally, we have delivered a range of groups and learning activities aimed at supporting our young people:
- Participation - Partnering with the Children, Young People and Families Engagement Officer at NHS Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland Integrated Care Board, we delivered a session focussed on listening to the lived experiences of care experienced young people and the challenges they have had in accessing mental health support during their time in care and after Mental Health and the lived experiences of care experienced young people | Leicestershire Cares
- Cost of Living – Working closely with Tatlow Road Children’s home we delivered a cost-of-living session aimed at helping care leavers with the transition in to both semi-independent/ independent living Cost of living
- Work Ready Programme – We completed our first wave of support with Park Lodge upskilling 2 young people with CV’s, cover letters, interview skills and techniques.
- Football - Weekly sessions primarily attended by the Asylum seeking and refugee community improving mental health & wellbeing, feelings of social inclusion and physical fitness.
- Work Tour / Personal Development - Supported 6 care experienced young people to attend work tour at Sytner Bentley followed by a Personal Branding session with our business champion Sue at Stepnell

We are currently working closely with the Learning and Working Institute and partners across higher education at De Montfort University and the University of Leicester around the development of our new project advocacy Joining up Joining in, funded by the Blagrave Trust. We have been collaborating with the Virtual Schools in the county to plan a careers fair targeted at care experienced and other vulnerable young people. This will take place on 2nd February at the King Power Stadium. At a senior level there have been conversations with the Director of Public Health at Leicester City Council who has expressed an interest in funding a mental health project for CEYP, based on our experience of delivering Mind Matters.
If you're a business or an individual who would like to get involved with the Powering Up Project, please contact aidan@leicesteshirecares.co.uk
Powering Up Project (Care experience) | Leicestershire Cares
Powering Up Project Update Q1 (Care experienced) | Leicestershire Care
Festive Fun and Arts on the Powering Up Project | Leicestershire Cares
Mental Health and the lived experiences of care experienced young people | Leicestershire Cares