Young people often find themselves unconsciously becoming a product of their environments. Young people who are raised in a family where both parents are employed and have good connections, tend to find themselves presented with more opportunities. However, young people who come from poorer backgrounds may find that they have less opportunities than their richer counterparts.
The outcomes of a young person can be negatively compounded if they are from a poor home which has one or both parents who is on drugs or involved in other forms of criminality. However, some young people have parents who are honest hardworking people who make just enough money to pay their bills and purchase necessities. Young people are thus driven into a life of criminality for a range of reasons, some have been bullied and in search of a safe place. Others are trying to achieve a sense of belonging by owning items that are deemed prestigious, such as designer clothes, shoes, wristwatches etc. It is important to assess the background of a young person when crafting an intervention because this provides a deeper understanding of their internal motivation.
One of our participants was referred to the VIP project for assistance with identifying forklift driver jobs. During his initial assessment, he mentioned that he worked as a forklift driver but assessed the environment to be unsafe. He also mentioned that he had an interest in IT and had accidentally hacked into a third party’s system at college. Upon further discussion, it was discovered that he was passionate about I.T.
This VIP participant was provided with insight into various IT roles and the associated salary. He was also advised that he may not attract a high salary initially but as he strengthens his skills, he would become more valuable to companies. A meeting was arranged with a career adviser at the Adult Education Centre to explore the options available to him. Upon conclusion of various meetings and assessments, he was registered for functional skills maths and English as well as a Level 3 course in IT which is equivalent to an A-Level.
Thank you for coming with me to my assessment. I was really nervous and I was convinced I was going to fail, I am really pleased I got accepted for a level 3 course. I have not smiled this much in years.
VIP Participant
He now aspires to apply for his provisional licence, embark on work experience and seek out part-time work. The aspirations of this VIP participant has been raised, and he is now determined to do what it takes to get to university and create a better life for himself and future generations.
This piece of work was delivered through our VIP Project. The VIP Project incorporates Leicestershire Cares’ Power to Change model: Power within, Power with, and Power to in its delivery to ensure that nobody is left behind, and all children and young people are supported to reach their full potential.
For more information about the VIP Project click the link below:
VIP Project Development Manager
Chikodi Oraka
I.T is my passion and I plan to do what it takes so I can get into the I.T industry.