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Leicestershire Cares Awards: Education Volunteer of the Year 2021

6 Oct 2021

The Education Team at Leicestershire Cares was delighted to present Evan Crosskey from Hinckley and Rugby Building Society with the Education Volunteer of the Year, 2021 at our awards evening at Winstanley House.

We had amazing support for our Education Projects this year, with all the nominees taking part in interview technique sessions, careers talks, careers webinars, interview skills sessions or careers talk videos. Evan Crosskey went the extra mile and also donned a pirate outfit (with Carla Loughrey) and made a series of videos to accompany our Great Pirate Treasure Hunt set of maths challenges. The videos really brought the challenges to life for our Number Partners primary school children across county and city. When we presented the prizes to the winning school, Queensmead Primary Academy, one pupil said to Evan, ‘I loved your videos. You made a great pirate!’

Fiona Spence-Arnold, Education Development Officer, Leicestershire Cares

We would also like to give a huge thank you to our nominees for their support on our education projects:

Nick Cavacuiti, Joules

Lyndsay Johnson, Access Group

Jamie Mollart, Rock Kitchen Harris

Christian Cowie, Cambridge and Counties Bank

For more information on all our education projects please see our website How you can help | Leicestershire Cares or contact or