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Key stage 5 students gain employability skills to prepare them for the world of work

30 Mar 2021

Year 12 & 13 students at Beauchamp College receive a mock interview and valuable feedback from local employers through the interview technique project

Since the start of the school academic year 2020-2021 we have now delivered 16 remote mock interview events. These have been with students from 10 education providers including mainstream schools, special schools and the South Leicestershire Inclusion Partnership.

Just over 1300 students across Leicester and Leicestershire have now received a mock interview through the interview technique project with 180+ volunteers from local business taking part.

Beauchamp College years 12 & 13 were the latest students to receive a mock interview. Employers fed back that they were very impressed at student preparation and performance.

Wow! What an engaged, articulate group of young people – I was completely blown away! It was a pleasure talking to these students and very hard to choose Star Pupil.

Volunteer from Thermo Fisher Scientific, Loughborough.

Beauchamp College staff thanked the business volunteers for the time they had given to the students during at a much-needed time when their learning, including careers education, has been disrupted during school closures.

Thank you so much for giving up your time today - the students have really valued the experience and left the session beaming! In the current situation this experience has been more valuable than ever to support the students with their next steps. Thank you once again.

Beauchamp College

Student feedback for this academic year

To date, 94% students have said they enjoyed their interview with 96% saying it was very useful or quite useful. 87% of students felt that a remote mock interview had given them more confidence to go into their next interview, whether it be face to face or online. All students have been complimentary about their interviewer with many saying that they had taken advice from the employer that they would use in their next interview.

He was quite amazing, asked quite helpful questions and he made me think more about my future chosen course.

Next time I'd answer questions in more detail and make sure I have an question to ask the interviewer.

If you are a business or a school that would like to get involved with the remote mock interview events please contact