After an incredible six months of Pathways delivering access to higher education sessions, we had our final session on student finance. Katie gave an overview to participants about the various financial support available discussing student loans, bursaries and how to apply for them. Finally, she spoke about the importance of sending your application before the deadline. She also mentioned financial support available for refugee/ asylum seekers and international students.
Participants found the session very informative and now feel less anxious about applying for student loans.
Here is some useful discount websites Katie suggested for students.
UNiDAYS - Fast, free, exclusive discounts for students (
So long NUS extra# hello #TOTUM | TOTUM
We would like to give a big thanks to Katie and Pathways for their help over the past 6 months. The sessions have been useful to participants, as well as staff, in helping them make informed decisions about their future. Looking forward to continue to work together.