We’re working on a new project funded by the Thomas Pocklington Trust to develop and adapt our education programme activities and resources to ensure they are inclusive to the needs of visually impaired young people.
We’ve consulted with mainstream schools, special schools and the SEND Services team at Leicester City Council to develop this project.
As well as adapting our resources, we’re creating a 6 session employability programme specifically aimed at visually impaired young people, supported by volunteers from business. We will also develop an awareness raising campaign aimed at improving employers’ knowledge regarding offering work experience or employment to young people who are visually impaired.
Given our position working in collaboration with business members we’re ideally placed to facilitate meaningful employability opportunities for visually impaired young people and to challenge perceived barriers to access work environments.
We have four businesses on board who are interested in supporting the project, including a volunteer who is blind herself. They will be involved in giving inspiring careers talks, assisting with work experience searches, interview preparation including mock interview practise, identifying key skills and strengths and providing positive mentoring roles.
If you are interested in learning more about this project or assisting on the employability programme, please contact Education Development Officer, Fiona Spence-Arnold - Fiona@leicestershirecares.co.uk