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Dear Friends: November 2022 Newsletter

8 Nov 2022

Dear Friends.

The last few months have been a time of rapid change and challenge. Two new PM’s, the Queen passing away, the threat of nuclear war in Europe, the continuing cost of living crisis and the much publicised riots in Leicester East, have all added to a feeling of insecurity and angst in many of the neighbourhoods and communities of our city and county. It is against this backdrop, that our community and youth workers have been working with our business volunteers, public sector, and community partners to offer support and inspiration to families, young people, and community groups This has included:

  • Working in partnership with a range of community groups to develop recreational and sports activities in Leicester East that bring different communities together.
  • Bringing community partners together to form a coalition for change, where we can share ideas, offer support, and speak out on issues of common concern.
  • Continuing to roll out our employability work in mainstream schools whilst developing innovative work for SEND students in special schools in partnership with the LLEP and our business volunteers.
  • Supporting a wide range of disadvantaged young people, to develop the soft and hard skills that will enable them to thrive and live happy, safe, rewarding and fun filled lives.
  • Offering support to a wide range of community groups across the city and county which has varied from improving physical infrastructure, through working groups of business volunteers, to developing key skills through business volunteer led training and coaching sessions.
  • We continue to put a lot of emphasis on trying to support young people and community groups sharing their lived experience and voices with key decision makers and rapid research, we carried out of impact of cost living crisis on young people was very well received.

As you read the accounts of our work below, I hope you will be inspired by the creativity and agility of our staff, volunteers, and partners and like me, you will feel that when people work together in partnership, without ego, silo, or logo, we really can turn despair into hope and change lives.

As always, we welcome any thoughts or feedback you might have.


Kieran Breen
CEO Leicestershire Cares

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