The Community Development Team have had a very busy quarter. We have delivered Modern Slavery, Trafficking and County Lines training to 10 different community groups, city and county. We have been the broker between universities and community groups for an internship programme. We have collaborated and networked with many other organisations to promote our work, generating great opportunities to join forces.
You can read more about our County Lines training here.
To celebrate Diwali, 200 boxes were given out to 8 different community groups for the special occasion. Many communities received a specialised handmade gift box. You can read more about our Diwali celebrations here.
We have attended 4 community celebration events, one being with the honourable civil rights activist Rev Jesse Jackson, which was an absolute honour to attend. It is important to empower and connect our communities, strengthening community cohesion.
Our #BagsOfHope campaign was a huge success. 1177 bags were distributed to 44 different communities in the city and county, with £17,655 raised so far. Because of the overwhelming contributions from our businesses and partners, we have more to roll out in the new year, enabling us to reach out to more people.
To read more about our Bags Of Hope campaign click here.
We were lucky to still run our traditional Festive Challenges and Toys On The Table with our businesses and partners volunteering 311 hours, giving back to our communities so nobody is left behind.
The team have also partnered with Moneywise Plus to offer a “Green” solution to tackling the “Digital Divide”
Following on from a presentation by Moneywise Plus Project Manager, Sangeeta Patel at our annual celebration, We have been encouraging our partners in the business community like AllTruck and Cambridge and Counties Bank to donate old laptops, which are then wiped clean, upgraded and passed onto people who need them.
The team will be continuing to promote this much-needed initiative and urge those who can donate their old laptops, tablets and smartphones to get in touch!
To find out more about how to tackle the #DigitalDivide click here
We cannot thank everyone enough for your continued support, as without you this would not have been possible to achieve, and you really have turned despair into hope for many children, young people, and families across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
The Community Development Team are looking forward to creating new ideas and initiatives with our businesses, local authorities, and partners, enhancing the delivery of services to our communities to strengthen and empower, as being part of helping it grow is vital to our work so here’s looking forward to a great year ahead!
If you want to know more information about the Community Development work, please contact
Mobile: 07834181041
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