The pandemic has highlighted the need to share accurate information in a way that was understandable to all communities. That's why Leicestershire Cares has worked with members from communities across Leicester and Leicestershire to create the Community in Action podcast. Our podcast provides information on the Covid pandemic and vaccines in different languages, to reduce misinformation and reduce the spread of Covid-19.
Our latest episode, in partnership with Equality Action Loughborough, is in Gujarti and covers Covid-19 vaccination information. You can listen to the podcast here.
COVID-19 presented a threat to many marginalised communities who lack access to basic information about how to keep themselves and their communities safe and healthy. There are many people who do not speak the dominant language where they live, don't have a high level of literacy, and are unable to communicate through different forms of technology.
Because of this, they might not be able to make informed decisions about their behaviour - which doesn't slow disease transmission. As with all people, marginalised communities deserve accurate, transparent, and easily accessible information on the disease and response efforts.
The information needs to be conveyed in their own language and format, in addition, it must be presented in a way that is relevant to them and be accessible and trustworthy. This is what we aim to achieve with Community in Action.
We would like to express our gratitude to Mina Galliara from Equality Action Loughborough for hosting the Community in Action Podcast in Gujarati #TogetherWeCan
To find out more about our Community in Action Podcast or to get involved, email ZamZam Yusuf at