We are delighted to share, that Kieran our CEO , has been appointed to the advisory group of the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Police and Crime Commissioner. This group is made up of variety of people from a variety of backgrounds and sector from across the county and city, whose role is to bring the “voice” of the community to the commission.
Leicestershire cares, has a strong track record in working with young people and community groups across the county and city as well as doing “focussed work” with young people who are caught up or in danger of being dragged into the criminal justice system.
I see my role as providing a link between the community groups and young people we work with and the Police and Crime Commissioner. It is our strong belief that all public services work best when they proactively seek to work in partnership with the communities they serve and their practice is grounded in lived realities
Kieran Breen CEO Leicestershire Cares
Working with and encouraging partnerships between the community, public and community sector, is a key part of our “Power to Change” approach and we see this appointment as another opportunity to build links and connections across these three sectors.
Further information
Power to Change https://www.leicestershirecares.co.uk/about-charity/our-approach/power-to-change/
OPCC LLR https://www.leics.pcc.police.uk/About-Us/About-Us.aspx