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Caring for Care Leavers - Renovation Project Wates

14 Sep 2023

Wates and Leicestershire Cares

Wates current involvement with the prison sector and exploration around this quickly made apparent the correlation between care leavers and their exposure to the criminal justice system. With Wates position as a signatory partner for the care leavers covenant it was only natural that initial outreach from the social value manager Dale Powell was focussed on identifying key stakeholders in this sector to explore ways of making meaningful change for local care leavers

25% of the adult prison population have previously been in care

50% of 21 year olds in contact with the criminal justice system have spent time in care

As a result Dale held conversations with the Powering Up Project Development Manager, Aidan Croughwell - Burton. It was decided that Wates and Leicestershire cares would work together to pilot a programme of support for care leavers transitioning in to independent living. "Caring for care leavers" was launched and would involve Wates staff carrying out a range of renovation activities tailored to the individual needs of the young person

Renovation Project

After initial meetings between Wates and Leicestershire Cares to identify young people most in need of the support Dale and Dean Nokes, Wates Project Manger set the plan in motion to organise the works. Following a meeting to plan the activities Wates were able to source a variety of equipment and household items from sources including Travis Perkins community project support pot and Burmatex.

A summary of the works completed

  • Flat cleaned and prepared for works,
  • Fully carpeted the hallway, bedroom and living room.
  • Painted the walls in hallway, bedroom, living room and kitchen
  • Fitted new curtain rails and supplied curtains for bedroom and living room
  • Provided a bedframe, mattress, duvet set, covers and pillow for bedroom
  • Provided x 3 rugs
  • New double clothes rail complete with full set of donated clothes
  • New lampshades throughout
  • Bedside table donation
  • Dyson hoover donation
  • Baby gate donation
  • x 2 dogs beds donated
  • A large lamp for the living room
  • New clock donated
  • New mirror supplied and hung
  • New cups and cutlery

On completion of the project the change was dramatic. The flat now looks like a home and Corey was made up with the transformation. Conversations are now taking place with regards to next steps, with the aim of supporting Corey in to work

Our work at Leicestershire Cares becomes extremely purposeful when we can build partnerships with organisations like Wates across the business sector. The project has been truly transformational for the young person. I visited him following the completion of the project and he was overjoyed, he described feeling like a human being again. That comment on its own say’s everything we need to know about how impactful this type of practical support can be. It was a great experience being involved on the day and a big thanks to Dale and the team of volunteers at Wates.

Aidan Croughwell-Burton, Powering Up, Project Development Manager

A quick message to thank you so much for all the stuff you're bringing today, its going to change this place so much; the way it looks smells and everything. I'm just going to be able to look after the place everyday now and be happy with it, its just made me feel so much better in myself as a person. I say thanks so much as its just bringing me back to my normal self and I haven't seen me like this in years so thank you. Thank you so much again for this, last night was even better, got the best sleep going in ages.

Corey, Participant

For further information about our project and our work with care experienced young people please contact

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