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Careers Week Competition

1 Mar 2021

This week is National Careers Week 2021. To celebrate, Leicestershire Cares has launched a careers competition for secondary school students.

We are asking students to take a quiz to explore their strengths and job roles they might be suited to. They then need to come up with some creative materials to promote this job to their friends.

The competition has been designed with the idea of broadening career ideas for students in KS3 and KS4 and to give them an understanding of their strengths and skills, and how these might suit different job roles.

Entries will be judged by a member of Leicestershire Cares' education team and three of our business members.


  • Go to Take The 'Buzz Quiz' Careers Test. What Job Could You Do? (
  • Take the quiz to find out what kind of animal you are.
  • Have a read of your animal’s strengths and tips. Do you think these suit you?
  • Pick one of the jobs it says that you might be a good fit for.
  • Read the information on the UCAS site about the job you have chosen. You can also use the internet to research the job more thoroughly. Try to find out as much information you can about what the job involves, what it’s like to work in that role and the skills and qualifications you would need to do it.
  • Create materials to promote this job role to a friend. This will include a job description to capture key responsibilities, along with any qualifications, skills or experience needed. It should be a fun and lively job advert that will appeal to your friends.

Download the instructions for students.


  • Entries must be received no later than 5pm on Friday 28th May.


  • 1 outstanding winner will receive Amazon vouchers worth £50
  • 2 runners up will receive Amazon vouchers worth £25 each
  • Highly commended certificates will also be awarded.


  • Instead of reading about a job on UCAS or other websites, students can choose one they are familiar with and speak to their teachers/family/friends about what it involves to give them the information they need to make their materials.
  • Students can create a range of different materials depending on their creativity and skillset. We are happy to accept digital posters, photos of paper-based work, powerpoints, videos, Word documents and any other formats. The important thing is that it includes good information and is appealing for others to read.

Judging criteria

  • Student appeal: Fun, lively and engaging to peer group - 20%
  • Creativity: Are there any creative ideas shown? Is there anything particularly innovative about it? Has the student created something different? - 30%
  • Understanding of their chosen role: Understanding of job role and what it involves. Also, understanding of routes into chosen career, including qualifications and skills needed - 30%
  • Structure and presentation: Effective with clear and concise structure and presentation - 20%

To enter

All entries need to be emailed to Helen, Education Development Officer at

We are asking careers leads at schools to collate entries and forward them on, so they can let us know if students have Special Educational Needs or any other support requirements we should take into consideration when judging.

Before entering, please read the competition terms and conditions.


Teachers can promote the competition using the following resources:

Careers Week Competition poster (PDF)

Careers Week Competition poster (image) page 1

Careers Week Competition poster (image) page 2

Careers Week Competition social media image