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14 Oct 2024

In April 2024, T.D. was referred to Leicestershire Cares for Education, Training, and Employment (ETE) support as part of the VIP Project. T.D. had a clear passion for entering the business industry, though, during his initial assessment, he was uncertain about which specific sector to pursue. Despite this, T.D. demonstrated enthusiasm about joining the project and seeking employment opportunities.

During his initial appointment, he confidently shared that he was currently completing a Level 5 qualification in Business Management. However, he expressed a lack of confidence in employability skills, particularly around creating an effective CV and preparing for mock interviews.

In the the session, it became clear that T.D.'s primary interest was in sales. Additionally, it was identified that he lacked photographic ID, which would be essential for his employment search. Once this was established, a plan was put into place to help T.D. move forward.

One of the initial steps to prepare T.D. for the job market was to focus on his CV. Although he already had one, it required amendments. To assist him, I referred his CV to Sue, a business member from Stepnell, who was able to provide detailed feedback. Sue highlighted areas for improvement, and once the necessary revisions were made, T.D.'s CV was updated and completed, bringing him one step closer to his employment goals.

Once his CV was finalized, we began actively searching for job opportunities. During this process, we came across an apprenticeship open day at Nylacast, which T.D. was very excited about. He attended the event to learn more about the various apprenticeship programs available, including those within the sales team. T.D. also had the opportunity to tour the site and gain further insight into the company’s operations, which motivated him even more to pursue his interest in sales.

T.D. has made significant progress since joining the VIP Project. He has now obtained his provisional ID and successfully completed his Level 5 Business Management course. With a strong CV in hand, new skills, and greater confidence, T.D. is well-prepared to continue his job search and

Thank you so much Jenny for all your Help and support

T.D 2024