TB was referred to the UP Project in July 2021, where an initial phone assessment was completed. TB was found to need support with housing, substance misuse and required a potential referral to Turning Point. A support plan was created with TB to implement realistic short and long-term goals. TB was eager to work with the UP Project and was keen to get his CSCS card. TB was given the funds to download the official CITB app to begin revising online for his CSCS exam. In addition, support was given to TB as he was keen to get his Functional Skills Level 1. The UP Project also supported TB with disclosure support due to the nature of his offence.
A referral was made to Babington College for him to start his Functional Skills course, and it was arranged for him to receive a laptop on loan from the UP Project so he could access relevant material. It was agreed that TB would complete his CSCS test before gaining his Functional Skills qualification, as it was identified that complete both alongside each other could become overwhelming for him. TB was able to now begin revision for his upcoming test in November 2021.
TB attended the UP Projects Employability Workshop in November 2021, in order for him prepare for his upcoming work placement. He engaged well at this group workshop, and a certificate was issued for his attendance.
In January 2022, TB had a case review over the telephone, where he confirmed that he had passes his CSCS test and received his card. TB was now working on a site in Leicester with Willmott Dixon. TB was also receiving housing support from The Bridge, and reported he was happy flat sharing at present until he was able to successfully get his own place. The UP Project provided him with signposting for additional support should he feel that he required it at a later date.