AF was referred to UP Project in April 2021. It was identified on their initial assessment that their goals were to receive employability support, gain their CSCS card and look for full-time employment on a site after gaining the skills to attend interviews and producing a CV.
AF immediately engaged well with PDM and PSO and built a good relationship, always attended their appointments and responded to calls and messages to ensure their goals and outcomes could be met in a timely manner. AF downloaded to CITB CSCS revision app and immediately began revising for their CSCS card test whilst working on employability skills with PDM and PSO.
AF attended an employability workshop which enabled them to gain the basic skills and understanding of do’s and don’t for interviews and immediately gave them confidence and knowledge around various other employability skills. Whilst working with UP, AF, with the support of PDM, was able to apply and successfully receive their provisional driving licence. This is something they had not done previously and would have not known how to source without the support from UP.
By August 2021, AF’s hard work, determination and drive to make positive changes resulted in them successfully gaining their CSCS card after passing their test first time around. AF remained focused and motivated throughout the months in which they revised and did not let anything get in the way of them not gaining their CSCS card. AF successfully completed their CV to then go onto applying for vacancies regularly with PSO. This is something AF then felt confident to complete alone due to having the skills, knowledge and confident through working with UP for several months. AF was also provided with PPE for when he begins working on site. This included a hard hat, boots and a suitable work jacket.
I would not have the skills I do now if it was not for the PDM and PSO on the UP Project. I always wanted to make positive changes, but their support throughout made so much difference in actually being able to make the changes.